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How to switch energy supplier.

If you're looking for energy switch deals for electricity and gas, then you're at the right place.

Sun hugging house.

So, how do I switch energy suppliers?

Well the answer should hopefully be: easily. As long as you've got the details to hand about your current energy supplier, like your tariff and how much you're using or spending, then swapping energy suppliers should be easy.

We're going to talk you through what you need to do, as well as help out with some situations that crop up from time to time.

Step 1 - Who is your current energy supplier?

In the majority of cases, you'll know who your current energy supplier is. You've either been with them for years or made a switch more recently, maybe for better prices or their customer service.

However, you might not know who your supplier is. For example you've just moved into a new build home. Not to worry, we've got you covered.

Who is my electricity supplier?

How to find my electricity supplier is a frequently asked question, and the best thing to do is use the Energy Network Association search tool to find your energy network operator. Then get in touch to learn your electricity supplier and your MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number, which is used to identify your electricity meter).

Who is my gas supplier?

You need to talk to the Meter Point Administration Service, either by using their online Find My Supplier search tool or calling them on 0870 608 1524. They can also tell you your MPRN (Meter Point Reference Number, which is used to identify your gas meter).

Step 2 - How much energy do you use?

The easiest way to know this is by checking a recent energy bill. It should show your annual electricity and gas usage which means you can get your quote as accurate as possible.

However, if you don't know your energy use, then you can use the Ofgem averages which will give you a rough idea of how much energy you use based on the size of your home.

Step 3 - Getting a quote.

You can do this online with us or through the many energy comparison sites out there to see how much you'll pay if you switch tariff. It's important to check what type of meter you have, for example economy E7, so that you get the correct prices.

There's a few bits to check when looking at the various energy tariffs:

  • Is the energy you’re getting renewable?

  • Are there exit fees? Will you be charged if you try and leave your contract early?

  • Do they offer you a free smart meter?

  • Can you pay by Direct Debit to help spread the cost of your higher winter bills over the year?

  • Is your tariff fixed or variable?

Once you've picked your tariff you'll need to enter your personal and bank details.

Step 4 - Do I need to do anything during the switch?

You don't need to get in contact with your old supplier, but you'll need to give your opening meter readings to your new supplier. Luckily, they'll let you know when you need to do this to make things easier.

Your old supplier will then be sent these meter readings so they can close down your account and refund any credit that is due.

It can take up to 5 working days for your electricity and/or gas supply to move over to your new supplier. You’ll also have a 14 day cooling-off period, in case you change your mind and want to stay with your current supplier. Your options will differ depending on whether you join your new supplier in your cooling-off period or not.

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